Chris designs and releases TWO new rounds every week!

✫ these are released every thursday & Available for 7 DAYS ONLY ✫

Place your Rapid Phone Order now:
800-320-8260 or click Order Now below!



1 oz Silver Sculpted Proof MiniMintage Round

America and the World have been enslaved in a Global Generational Debt Based Fiat Ponzi Scheme. Unless we fix the very nature of money, we will never be free. All of our Currency is a Debt Based Currency owed to a Private Group of Bankers, the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is neither Federal nor has any Reserves. Yet this Private Group of Bankers usurped the Dollar on Christmas Day 1913. Calls today To “End the Fed” grow louder, the higher our $36 Trillion Dollar National Debt grows.


There is one plan that would end this Debt Monster and it involves the U.S. Mint Minting a $1 Trillion Dollar Silver Coin Legal Tender to pay off the National Debt. For a few ounces of silver of these legally minted Coins, we could pay off any debt so long as we switched to an equity based currency. The U.S. Treasury can issue new Debt Free treasury Notes Dollar and free humanity from Debt based Currency.

Call to order: 800-320-8260 or


1 oz Silver Sculpted Proof MicroMintage Round

Fearless Truth Telling is at the heart of the Silver Shield Collection. Knowing the Truth about Ponzi Planet leaves you with no other choice but to fight through the lies. Your Silver represents resistance to the Debt and Death Paradigm. Each ounce of physical you stack strikes at the Achilles Heel of the Rothschild Banking Cabal. Hundreds of Fake Paper contracts control each ounce of Physical. When we stack, we withdraw the very basis for the Ponzi, like a run on the bank. Silver Stacking acts as a Silver Bullet and a Silver Shield to protect your family from the inevitable Ponzi Planet Collapse. Stacking Silver Shield forms a Singularity of Truth in your Silver Collection. Higher than the Boring Government Bullion that makes up most stacks. This Singularity is Foundational And Generational Tangible Wealth. A new Nobility Class will arise from Silver Shield Stackers. New American Kingdoms arise all across this country. A new life of Debt and Crime Free Living.

Join Silver Shield Group!


If you have any questions regarding silver round or bar production, placing an order, or current or past orders, contact The Golden State Mint directly via live chat, phone, or email.

Due to the custom manufacturing process required to mint the proof rounds, delivery can take up to 4-6 weeks. See Golden State Mint for current timeframes.

Place Order or Get Help: 800-320-8260

Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST
(closed bank holidays)

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